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Can't see the crane in white crane... Why?

Many schools I visited claim to teach styles like white crane and even Okinawa/Japanese Karate has come from white crane styles, however I seldom see techniques, kata, forms, or drills that encompass crane concepts of even crane movements. Why is that? At some traditional schools kung-fu/karate it is easy to see the animal influence but at others there is none. Does this also indicate a lack of understanding or incomplete training. What do you think.


Similarly, karate systems like Goju-Ryu and Uechi-Ryu clearly have some of the same movement patterns. Edit: To Internalize proper form and function often calls for a tangible example, like an animal Disagree. People aren't shaped like birds. We've figured out how to do TONS of stuff with our bodies (hit baseballs, high jump, breaststroke, pole dancing, etc) without looking to animal sources. Fighting is no different. Humans fight like humans. If we should look to any animals, it should be other primates, but again, we lack some of the attributes they have. Never seen a gorilla throw a jab, but it's pretty much been acknowledged by numerous sources as the most important punch in fighting, for example.
Maybe you only got to see the very basics of the styles you observed. Our Kata has crane Rohai, Chinto and Gojushiho especially but they are black belt Kata that even the mudansha (colored ranks) in my school very rarely get to see, let alone outsiders who just come in once to observe a class.
When you learn two martial arts naturally elements are going to get left out from one or both styles when you put what you've learned together under pressure - Look at most Karate, Taekwondo and Wushu students when they're put to the sword, most of them turn into kickboxers. It's entirely possible that the guys you've seen just don't bother trying to look 'crane' when they move.
The problem looks more like your issue than anyone else, and in your personal definition of crane. Crane has influences a number of styles and is still quite clearly there, your just choosing not to see it. And you could have found a video on youtube to show your point. Anther failing of yours.
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