Recently I've been treated, And i was taking the metro gel where the little plastic tubes are to be put inside you in order the get rid of BV around the same time i was told i was positive for chlamydia, and by then i had already wash the tube thoroughly with nothing but water and placed it in the box. I then stopped the process of the metro gel so that i could be cured for chlamydia. Last night i reused the same tube that i was using when i had chlamydia. Did i just re-contract chlamydia back into my body without intercourse. I was told intercourse was the only way to catch this disease? Did anyone else experience this?I already been to the doctor 3 times in one month, it is so embarrassing having to constantly go to the doctor about the same issue. that is why i'm on the net asking this very personal question, because i'm impatient and i must know now. does anyone have a positive, overly-confident answer?
Relax, you're fine. A woman indeed may reinfect herself with chlamydia, but don't worry, this condition can be completely prevented. Chlamydia is sensitive to heat, the pathological bacterium can only live for 5~10 minutes in degree 50~60. Plus, away from our body, pathogen of chlamydia will die soon. Except for intercourse, clamydia can spread through sharing the infected toys. And for a certain condition, a pregnant woman can give chlamydia to her baby. Anyhow, do not have to worry about it, you'd be ok!