Cylinder head valves.Can't really differentiate the difference between burnt and just carbon build up on valves. Are they the same?If I the valves have no cracks or holes, can I clean the carbon off of them and reuse them.If they don't leak when I re-leak test them, are they then good to use?Had very little compression in one cylinder.What cleaner is safe to use on the valves?I know I should replace all, but any money I can save right now, helps a lot.Also I seen a method of re-lapping the valves by using a tool (stick with a suction cup on end that sticks to valve surface) that you spin while valve is seated. It refinishes the seat and recreates the seal/re-laps. Appears to work and seal just fine. Anything really wrong with this method?
if the head or heads are off then why not take them to a machine shop ! they will grind the valves that are still good and replace the ones that are burnt up and they will make sure they seat good ! if you have low compression just on 1 cylinder then it might be a compression ring stuck !
Why not just replace the valves.
If the valve is burnt there is nothing you can do with it but replace it. If they only need cleaning up you can lap them in with a lapping compound the danger with that is that you need to watch that you do not get close to the edge of the valve, that is when you will end up with a burnt valve. The valve should not be flush with the valve seat that is way to close and the heat of combustion will have a stronger effect on the material.