Home > categories > Rubber & Plastics > Rubber Rollers > Can you help me fill in the blanks of the &Complete LACK OF Safety Quiz& for my Chemistry class?

Can you help me fill in the blanks of the &Complete LACK OF Safety Quiz& for my Chemistry class?

Funny/clever answers? (not literal)1. Pour chemicals from large reagent bottles into ________ before measuring.2. Read and ________ a chemical label before using the chemical.3. When diluting an acid, always add ________ to ________.4. Work with volatile chemicals under a ________ ________.5. Use a ________ or _________ to draw liquid into a pipette.6. Strike matches ________ ________ your body.7. Move test tubes back and forth at an _________ while heating.8. Hold hot glassware with _________ or __________.9. When inserting lubricated glass tubing into a stopper, protect your hands with _________ ________.10. Always protect your eyes with _________ _________ when working in the lab.11. Stand on a ________ _________ if you need to reach.12. Rinse chemicals from your eyes in an _______ _______. 13. _________ clothing on the way to the safety shower.14. Extinguish small fires in containers by ________ them.15. Put out clothing fires in a ________ ________.


turn water off to that section. cut pipe where the hole is (pipecutter) if its 1/2 copper get a 5/8 compression coupling. using 2 wrenchs tighten both sides. turn water back on check for leaks. your done.
Does your apartment complex provide you w/ an emergency phone for 'after hours situations', like a lock-out, water leak, etc. Call that pronto. If not, keep banging on the door of the landlord. For goodness sakes, it's her property. What if there is something on fire? ****Sorryjust re-read your add'l details no emergency . In that there case, call the NON-emergency for the police dept.
You can cut out the section that is broken with a copper tubing cutter. It looks like a C-clamp but has a small cutting wheel on one end. They even come in small models to fit into tight areas. Just turn the water off and open the faucets to let them drain as much as possible. Put the cutter around the pipe and tighten it up a little. Spin it around the pipe, give it another turn to tighten it, and spin it around again. The pipe will eventually pop apart and leave you a nice clean cut to attach the repair to. The pipe and fittings will need to be dried, then sanded to remove dirt, etc., fluxed, assembled, then heated with a torch and soldered. Two connecters and a very small length of of same sized pipe is all the parts you'd need. If there is a wall close to the area that needs to be soldered, find a piece of metal to stick between the wall and the joints. It'll protect the wall from catching fire.
Use a double ferrule oil and gas compression fitting..Cut off the desired length and use the compression fitting to join the two pipes
are you asking about a small water pipe or the drainage line ? If its drainang side cut it out and replace with pvc .

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