Can you make a V6 sound throaty and not that crappy putt-putt sound?
A 6 cylinder is always going to sound like a 6 cylinder no matter what you do. All a different exhaust system is going to do is give you a loud 6 cylinder. If you want it to sound good, swap the 6 for a V8.
Bizzani Exhaust however it will still sound like a SIX
First clean the pipe with a sand paper. Apply a flux to your pipe and inside the fittings. If your not experienced with propane, get MAPP gas, it burns hotter and you can use the same torch. You can get it wherever you get propane. If thers water in the pipes use the bread. Put your repair together and apply your flame to the fittings. Touch the solder to the pipe, once it starts to melt, cover around the joint. Once it cools enough for the solder to harden clean the flux off with a rag. Practice with a extra pipe first, just to get the feel of how long and how hot it takes for the solder to melt.
Hold it, hold it: First of all: have one drop of water in that pipe, forget it. Make sure the pipe is dry. Like the man said, shove a piece of dried bread up the pipe before you solder it, it'll flush away with the water flow. Clean all your pieces to be soldered with steel wool real good then, put some acid on each one and put them together the way you want them. Now heat your pipe for about thirty seconds and then hit it with solder and another ten or fifteen seconds with the torch.
Did you dry the pipe on the inside? ONE drop of water will ruin any attempt to solder the joint. What I usually do is put a small piece of bread into each pipe, it will suck up any water. Just make sure, when you turn the water back on, to remove the aerator from one faucet, and run the water through so the bread does not plug up the faucet.