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Can you teach dogs to use the balcony as a bathroom?

How do people in apartments deal with? Do they take their dogs up/down the stairs or use the elevator every single time?


Dreams are just thoughts you've had throughout the day, not necisarily saying you thought about schools on fire and stuffOur brains work so fast with thoughts that you don't even know that you are thinkingFire, school and elevator must have been thought and your brain processed that into something
in my experience living in dog-friendly apartment buildings for over twenty-five years, dog owners take their dogs outside every time i have dog sat/walked some who have those potty patches on their balconies but the two i knew who had that, they were not used (great in theory, not so much in reality) and taking a dog out when living in an apartment is not that much different than taking a dog out of a house, there is just a thirty-second or so elevator ride first i housebroke my jack russell living on the 21st floor and she was housebroken in less than a week and i am going to have to assume (from some answers posted about dogs in apartments) that backyard dogs are not trained to go out on a schedule every apartment dog i have owned, friend's who have dogs and live in apartments, neighbours in my building, all dogs go out on a schedule- morning, afternoon and night at a minimum and are walked it may be a bit more work than just opening a door to a backyard, but walking a dog three to four times a day every day regardless of weather makes for a great bond between owner and dog and a better socialized dog .

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