So I have been really pissed off recently because vista took a sh*t on me. I am completely unable to access my control panel, access the update software to get sp2 installed.. or make my version of vista genuine.. The version of vista I have is not an OEM because I got it sent to me with my HP laptop.. sigh.. If you can help me try and figure this out I would be grateful.. as well as giving me a direct download like to vista SP2.. On the flip side.. &NEVER& buy anything from HP!
This is my experience only, but I was never able to give up the shield. I know it's supposed to be temporary but this way he at least will breastfeed, and also take the bottle. Since your baby is so young, I'm sure you can wean him from the shield. I'd try starting with the shield for a few minutes and when he takes a quick break, remove it and latch him back on. Soon he won't want the shield! :) Good luck!
Yes and no. It is not possible for an airplane to be the sole recipient of a bolt of lightning. (short version: it's not big enough) It is possible for a bolt of lightning to pass through an airplane on its way to the ground or another cloud. Several passenger aircraft get struck by lightning in this manner each year. All the lightning does to the plane is leave a coin-sized hole where it passes through. Also, you don't have to worry about the lightning hurting you. Lightning only travels through the path of least resistance, in this case the metal exterior of the plane.