Capitalism has failed, not because it failed to produce progress or productivity, but because it has done more damage to the ecosystem in the last 100 years than any previous system has done in the past 1 million years. We cannot have free markets as long as free means the freedom to exploit the eArth for ones individual gain. We can not expect a resource based economy to have unlimited growth when resources are finite. I suggest that the prosperity of the last few hundred years is only temporary and not reflective of our past and will not be realistic in the future. We cannot live outside the laws of biology, it will be a big mistake that might jeopardize our species. We must live in in a symbiotic relationship with the planet and that's a fact. Think.
It's better than nothing, but you might want to invest in a paintball mask or something else because you will still feel the bbs through that.
I own 4 compressors for no apparent reason. They all have these quick release fittings on them, make sure you wrap the part that is connected to the stem comming off the compressor in plumbers tape. Its that white stuff that is made out of nylon and is streachy.
Go to your local piercing parlor. Places in the mall like Piercing Pagoda mostly use piercing guns, which are not safe and put you at higher risk for getting an infection because they cannot be sanitized properly. So be safe and find a piercing parlor. Good luck :)!