hello i have a short in my car the keeps blowing my ingnition relay fuse and i cant find it. no matter how hard i search. have any of u used one of that short circuit finds like this page describes Tech and if u did is it hard to use and how do you use it? i dont wanna spend $50 on junk.
An induction short finder shouldn't cost $50 around for a less expensive alternative. These work very well in locating the shorted circuit and generally will pretty much pinpoint the area where the circuit is actually shorted.
So what do you plan on doing with the short finder? Tear the wiring harness all apart so you can scan each one for a short? The way to find a short is to pull each fuse,one at a time, and have a test light hooked up to the disconnected negative battery cable and the negative battery post. When you pull the fuse that turns the test light off you've found which circuit it is on. Next you need a wiring diagram of the fuse box so that you can see which of the wires on that circuit go to which component. No matter how hard you search? The fact you are even looking for a short finder suggests you have no clue what you are doing so I would recommend hiring a real mechanic to fix your draw problem, not waste it on gimmicks.