I used RESOLVE High Traffic Carpet Cleaning Kit a few months ago. I didn't think it even worked, but to my dismay, I believe it has made my carpet dirtier. I probably should have tried getting some of the soap up, but I had no idea that leaving soap (even if the directions tell you that you only need to vacuum) that it could lead to the stains sticking more.So now, the areas that I used the product on have turn one shade away from black (we have white carpet).I just used a Bissell carpet steamer and the whole area looks the same!WHAT DO I DO?!I fear a professional won't be able to get it out either...
once you've a nail polish stain on your carpet, drop fairly of water on it ,and then take the cap to a bottle of nail polish remover, pour some contained in the remover contained in the cap. Then pour the remover on the stain and scrub it not undemanding with a towel, which could get the stain out, you may do an similar for makeup.
Leaving soap on the carpet will attract ever bit of dirt that comes in contact with the carpet. I would call in a professional at this point.
Hmm i would try a rental machine such as a rug doctor try it with plain warm/hot water if that does not work maybe try a solution of vinegar that sometimes works to neutralize basics soaps, the rug doctor will have better agitation than the bissell does
Modern carpets are stain resistant because their treated with a stain blocker. Scotch guard is one of many treatments.The problem is the carpets have to be retreated, when you shampoo a little spot you pick up the dirt and remove the stain block. Now that area is wide open to stains. If you don't reapply the stain blocker. You have removed the stain blocker and now really stained the carpet, by doing it yourself. I would find a carpet service that offers dying carpets.I've seen this work, by the dye is always darker to cover discolored carpet. You might have sections of the carpet replaced that are beyond cleaning, if it's wall to wall and you can save some of it. Compare my suggestions to replacement cost.