Poppy loves to eat stringYarn, spaghetti straps, drawstring pants, you name itIt just occurred to me - could this be a sign of a fiber deficiency? Her stool has always been on the loose side, so I'm investigating fiber supplementsShe doesn't eat any other fibers, just string.Some additional details: She's 2 years old and weighs 25 pounds (I know, I know, bad Mommy)Her stool has been checked and is clearShe's probably a Maine Coone or a Norwegian Forest CatI got her at 3 mos., and her stool was always like thisI used to feed dry Purina, but have switched her over to moistI'm giving her the better brands (after careful reading of the ingredients), although she's picky and only seems to like Natural Balance Venison or TurkeyI was hoping the diet change would make this betterBut now it's just dark and loose instead of light brown and loose (sigh)I'm giving her about 6 oz per day.