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Cat Peeing on the dogs bed?

We have two cats and one dog. They all get along just fine. Just in the last month the oldest cat (5 years old) had decided to use the dogs bed as a place to take a leek. Threw away the first dog bed got a new one and walla pissed all over that one too. I have no idea what to do. Never had this problem before cat has always used the litter box. Any suggestions on what to do?????


your cat moght have a uti or maybe your dog has been bulling the cat around and thats his payback. i had a friends cat stay with me for awhile and my cat would always pee on his pillow because my friends cat was mean to my cat.
Exact same thing happened to me! Bought a nice new dog bed with a cedar chip interior. My cat urinated on the new bed, removed and washed the exterior cover. Cat urinated on it again. Threw bed away, bought another bed without the cedar scent, cat left it alone. Dog loves new (now old) bed and sleeps there quite often, cat does sometimes as well.
alot of pets do that if they were the alpha pet and a new pet is introduced. its normal, just spend alittle more time with the cat thats peeing on the dogs bed...the cat should stop peeing on the dogs bed soon goodluck
well is the dog new because cats like to do stuff like that if the animal is new but if the dog is not new then buy a bed for your cat so it can't pee in your dog bed
You need to take the cat to a vet. It seems as though he is sending you a message, perhaps a urinary tract infection, bladder infection of some sort. Your cat may be associating the box with the pain he feels while going and that may be the reason he is doing that. Have you changed the litter at all? Have you changed the box? Do you clean the box often? Some cats tend to get picky when they reach a certain age. The best thing for you to do is take him to the vet to simply make sure there is no health problem related to this behavior. I'm sure kitty has some issues going on.

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