Of recent the Temperature has been well below freezing, how do these animals survive? I mean, their hooves must freeze, which should freeze there legsHorses have blankets, which shield them from the frostCattle and Sheep have fur coats, but still.its freezingThese animals are tough!! Yeah I may sound pathetic, i just cant get over it.LOL
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I have chickens, ducks, horses, rabbits and dairy goatsThey are all running around, eating, playing and seem very happy and it's -26 this morningIt didn't get about about -5 yesterday and the horses (with no blankets, by the way) were running and playing in the pastureThe goats were all out, in the snow, laying in the sunThe chickens were pecking out in the driveway God has prepared the animals to handle almost any weather condition.
Trace the wires from your meter up and than up to the poleThats the high voltage service drop 240v all other wires are phone cable etc etc Master Electrican