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Ceramic coated or stainless steel headers?

So I wanna change my exhaust manifold on my 03 RSX Type S (headers, exhaust) but I can‘t really get a clear answer on what kind is best; Ceramic coated or stainless steel? I understand that ceramic keeps cool but what are the pros and cons? And also which would be better for my type of car; 4-2-1 or 4-1 headers? Only bolt on so far is a short ram. Thanks


You need to multiply the volume of the sheet with the density of the copper. The volume of the copper disc is its radius (3.00 cm/2) squared times pi, times the thickness (0.100 cm).
This is a cylender so to find the volume you must square the radius and multiply it by pi and multiply that by height and then multiply that with the density for your answer. First you have to convert the mm to centimeters and find the volume of the copper- 1mm.1cm VolumePI*R*R*H So Volume3.14*1.5*1.5*.1.7065 Now, Density Mass/Volume Thus Mass Density*Volume .7065cm3(the Volume)*8.96g/cm3(the density) 6.33024Grams(the mass) So the answer is 6.33024Grams, unless you need to use significant figures whereupon the mass would be 6.33 grams.
Volume of a shpere (4/3)*pi*r3 To find the mass of copper you take the outer radiusvomume minus the inner radius. The outer radius is 1.50 cm, and the inner diameter is 1.49 cm. 4/3 pi *(1.50)^3 14.14 cm^3 4/3 pi*(1.49)^3 13.86 cm^3 14.14-13.86 0.28 cm^3 Multiply this by the density; 8.96 g.cm^3 *0.28 cm^3 2.51 g.
Ceramic, easy question. Also, as a general rule you want the pipes to be big and stay big as long as possible. You want them to combine as late as possible. 4-2-1 is better than 4-1, the combination from 4-2 can happen rather early (hopefully more than 6), but you don't want that last combination to occur until after it leaves the engine compartment.

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