What is the chemical & common name for copper?
Cu is the chemical (it's not a hofbrincl, so you will only use Cu) and the common name is copper, of course.
Chemical name: Copper Common name: Copper Cu is a symbol, not a name
find some interesting human and cultural history in these names, many of which refer to the element's properties or to geographic locations. Only some of the more recently-discovered (and artificially produced) elements are named after people. Some elements were not really discovered, but have been known since ancient times; many of these have symbols that are derived from the Latin names of the elements. There are nine elements whose Latin-derived symbols you are expected to know. What is the oldest mention of a particular element? One candidate is the ancient Jewish legend of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by brimstone (sulfur) as recorded in Genesis 19:24: Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. element name symbol Latin name antimony Sb stibium copper Cu cuprum gold Au aurum iron Fe ferrum lead Pb plumbum mercury Hg hydrargyrum potassium K kalium sodium Na natrium tin Sn stannum There is a lot of history and tradition in many of these names. For example, the Latin name for mercury, hydrargyrum, means water silver, or quicksilver. The appellation quack, as applied to an incompetent physician, is a corruption of the Flemish word for quicksilver, and derives from the use of mercury compounds in 17th century medicine. The name mercury is of alchemical origin and is of course derived from the name of the Greek god after whom the planet is named; the enigmatic properties of the element, at the same time metallic, fluid, and vaporizable, suggest the same messenger with the winged feet who circles through the heavens close to the sun.
The Symbol on the Periodic table of elements is Cu. However since it is a transition element it can have more than one charge. Cu1+ Copper(I) ion Cuporous Cu2+ Copper(II) ion Cupric These are ions that Copper can also be. hope that helped.
The Symbol for Copper is Cu. Chemical name is Copper. Trade Name: Cuprum Cu I is known as Cuprous, Cu II is known as Cupric.