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Chemistry Homework:I need help determining if these are heterogeneous or homogeneous substances! EASY 10 PNTS!?

Ive done about 30 of these but still need help with these. Here are the directions:Classify each of the following as homogeneous or heterogeneous substances.a. iron oreb. quartzc. granited. energy drinke. oil and vineagr salad dressingf. saltg. rainwaterThanks so much in advance and 10 points to most efficient/correct answer. Also, it would be really helpful if you can explain why these are what they are. Thanks again!


A solution counts as a homogeneous mixture, so that probably includes (d); but if there are distinct bubbles in it or bits floating around, it's homogeneous.
Iron ore is a heterogenous mixture- the ore is a mixture of iron and the rocks in which it is contained. Granite is a hetrogeneous mixtue of different minerals. An energy drink is a heterogeneous mixture of sugars and electrolytes. Rainwater MIGHT BE heterogeneous because it picks up dirt and particulate matter as it falls. Oil and vinegar salad gressing is heterogeneous because it's a mixture. I think only the quartz and the salt are homogeneous because they are pure substances.

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