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Chinchilla bedding? Please help!?

Can a chinchilla have Natural Critter Care for bedding?


give kristin best answer. she gave you a lot of useful information. i just wanted to add a site for chins that she didt mention that i am a member of and i think you would enjoy it. its wonderful luckys wonder of chinchillas wonderful site full of great people who will help you out with whatever questions you might have. another thing, the founder of the site has a great homemade vid on youtube. its his own music and the song is about his beloved pet chin. when on youtube type in lucky chinchilla and voilla. its really great. you can tell that these people absolutely love and adore chins
they dont really have a bedding i would buy some volcanic dust stuff though (made for the chinchillas) and a dust bath bin, that will keep the chinchilla happy and clean.
which is the same kind of bedding you asked about: CareFresh bedding is okay as long as your chin doesn't EAT it. Some chins will actually ingest the bedding, and since CareFresh is made to expand when wet, it can cause a fatal blockage in the intestinal tract. CareFresh is the most expensive bedding on the market, but not necessarily the best choice for safety. She's the one who totally scared me away from it and I will NEVER use it or anything like it EVER for any species of pet. I just LOVE that website and the forum I gave you. Trust me, the 5 minutes is worth it.

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