Imagine building a cruise boat with no modern machinery. You'd have to cut down 10,000 trees. Cut them into lumber. tie or glue a boat together, build cages, store food and water, feed every animal, clean up animal waste, steer the boat, and sleep all while the biggest storm in the world sinks the planet. Can you really think that?
Noah couldn't have built the ark because he didn't have three sons to help him. He also didn't hire any help. He also didn't have 100 years to finish. And even though the first boats were built during the neolithic period and even though the Egyptians built enormous, elaborate war and trade ships thousands of years BC, everyone knows that Jews are too stupid to do anything. /sarc off
Have you seen Taj Mahal? It was built in a huge marble while there were no cranes to lift heavy items and no modern technology. It is in India and one of the wonders of the world. If you see it and consider the year of its built, you will still not understand how could they make it. Just refer the wikepidea to get more info on Taj Mahal. If wonders like the above still exists here on earth, Noah's ark is absolutely possible which more an easier work.
Well actually it's pretty possible to build a boat without modern machinery. It certainly takes very long, but with nails, tar, and rope you can go quite a long way. And now I'm going to use the Metaphor Card: It didn't literally mean all the animals, and many parts are embellished, or even made up. The Bible was written by mortal men, after all. And I'm not even Christian.
I personally believe that the Noah story is an exaggeration of an actually event. The size of the flood, size of the boat and number of animals were all much smaller. Genesis is the book of the bible, I personally have the most problems with. Go ahead with the negative ratings Fundies. I have gotten them before.