how do you get red stains off the carpet?
What are the red stains? If you could tell us, we may be of more help to you. If you are not exactly sure, then a guesstimate would be good. Wine? lipstick? juice? paint? etc
call a carpet cleaning company and buy some red out it will even remove red candle wax.
Depending on how big your house is, it can take about half a day to steam clean wall to wall carpeting. Most companies will be able to work around furniture, but obviously it's better if you can move as much furniture as possible so that the cleaners can clean as much carpet as possible. You'll want to open up your windows after the carpet cleaning has been done to air out your rooms (and with this heat, to quicken up the drying time). If you are talking about cleaning hand made rugs, then cleaning is done off site and you generally have to wait 2-3 weeks for the professional cleaners to return your carpet.
Red stains are the hardest to remove but you have several options. Spot Shot carpet cleaner will give you instanteous gratification and it can be used for other purposes, too, like cleaning upholstery. Wine Away sold at kitchen stores and Cost Plus also works on red based stains. Some red dye based stains can also be removed with a solution of oxyclean and water, but be careful to test it on an inconspicious area first to determine whether it will change the color of your carpet. Sometimes a simple paste of borax and water works and you can let it dry and vacuum it up.