I had this cold for a week now, but the thing is the symptoms only come when I'm sleepingDuring the night I get awoken by a blocked nose, aching sinus, coughing and a sore throatBut when I get up in the morning, the symptoms clear within 5 minutes except the blocked nosed which clears after about and hour when blowed a few times.I guess my question is, why is this happening? and is a week too long to not be showing signs of improvement? (If anything it seems to be getting worse)
both tin and aluminum are conductors, germanium and silicon are semiconductors
You are probably allergic to something in your bedding, or some product you useFeather pillows are frequent causesAlso, elderly pillows can harbor dust mites, to which many people are allergicIf your pillow is filled with feathers, or getting rather old, get rid of it and go buy a new one, preferably one filled with polyester fiberHave you been using a new hair product lately? Shampoo, conditioner, hair gel, hair spray, color – many products can cause trouble when you breathe them in for hoursTry shampooing and showering at night, using only mild soap and Neutrogena shampoo, to get any products and dust out of your hair before bedtimeAnother possible allergen is fabric softenerNot only is it a well-known allergy trigger, but it's a totally unnecessary laundry productIt coats fibers to make them softer but it also makes them less absorbent (which rather defeats the purpose of wash cloths, towels, and pillow cases)Your sheets, pillow cases, and nightwear should be washed every week in a mild detergent (such as Dreft, which is recommended for baby clothes)Your mattress protector and blankets might benefit from a trip through the wash as wellDon't use any liquid fabric softenerThen everything should be dried without fabric softener sheetsIt would be best if no residue of fabric softener has remained on the dryer drum from previous loadsFor faster relief in the mornings, try wetting a thick washcloth with hot water, wringing it out, and breathing through it until your head clearsYour stuffy nose may have caused you to start breathing through your mouth during the night, which could explain your cough and sore throatDrink extra water to re-hydrate your systemI hope that somewhere in my suggestions you'll find the solution to your difficulties.
Germanium and silicon are semiconductors because they are metalloids (a mix between metal and nonmetal) so tin and aluminum are conductors because they are metals