I'm 5 weeks pregnant, and I have read that if my body temp goes too high it can harm the babyI love to be warm, and i pile on the blankets at night (I'm in NZ and it's winter.)Will my body let me know if I'm too warm for the baby? Also, what were your cramps like at this stage? This is my first and we aren't ready to tell people yet, so i'm not sure who else to ask haha.What was the best advice you were given while you were expecting?
Yes, your body will let you know, but also keep an eye on itIf you over heat your baby does tooWhen you start to get hot, your baby does tooKeep this in mind and judge your temp by this and try to avoid over heating as cold as N.Z winters areDo not use an electric blanket etcCramps can be similar to period crampsThey are mostly normal and signs of your uterus stretching slowly and ligaments starting to loosenMy only advice: Take your vitamins (pregnancy), eat healthily, small snack meals throughout the day if large meals are too much (maintain your sugar level, if it goes low you can feel dizzy and nausea), regular light exercise, rest and sleep when you can, lots of water and enjoy every moment of your pregnancyCongratulations and Good luck
If you are talking about selling values, siding will add more to the home due to curb appeal and overall improvement of the homes looksWhen selling a home, first sight of overall house is most importantFor energy savings, windows are more important.
for me the big point would be the windows I hate vinyl siding, I prefer Hardi-siding.
I would say windows too, anything that makes your home more efficient and updated is a major plusJust make sure you get good windows like Anderson or PellaVinyl siding should be considered if your siding is falling apart,or really old.
Depending on how your siding was put on? Most siding will have to be removed to remove windowsWindows are probably the better selling point for meI would think that siding would carry the better energy value as you can seal the windows with shrink film.