Hey guys my differential bearings are worn out, could they be the cause of the loud noise i hear whenever the car is turned on, when im at a stop, in neutral or in gear the noise doesnt go away, its not the muffler either or flex pipe as they were both replaced. Also whenever I let off the gaz pedal at rpms from 1500 to 3500 the car shakes back and forth, could it be because of worn out differential bearings? engine mounts were changed so i know its not that.Thanks in advance! Car is a nissan altima 2000 manual.
My motor vehicle had the comparable subject final wintry climate sound like the fan belt the subject with mine become i had approximately 3 or 4 fan belts and that all of them broke the subject become the cogs that turn it around certainly one of them become no longer turning so good so i had to circulate get it fastened so if it keeps doing it as quickly as ya positioned a clean one on take it to the storage
IF IT STILL MAKES NOISE AT A DEAD STOP ITS NOT YOUR DIFF BEARINGS. how can they make noise if they are not moving? does the noise go away when the clutch peddal is pushed in or does the noise change sound when applying the clutch? if so then you got a throw out bearing gone bad. that is part of the clutch. if it shakes bad on take off then your flywheel is probably warped im guessing your clutch is wore out to. sounds like you need to see a technition and get it checked out. sounds like its clutch time