the other day i was talking to one of my friends from school. we were playing a truth or dare game and he asked who i liked. i said guess he said me? i said which answer will freak you out the least? he said it will freak me out if you lie, so i said yeah i like you. after that he started talking to me more and the next day he sat next to me in my writing class and started talking to me. he had no work done so he kept asking for help and then when i wouldnt help him he erased half my essay. he got it back obviously and i knew it was joke, so no feelings were hurt or papers ruined. Our computers are old so if you press the right code the screen will flip upside down. he kept doing this to my screen the whole class and he asked to look at the songs i write. but i want to know if he likes me. from this story does it sound like he likes me, or just wants to be friends? were both thirteen and he came out and said he didnt know who he likes so im lost for what to do
yeah it sounds like he might like you. or maybe he likes that you like him and he wants to keep that going
yes he likes you maybe he's just playing hard to get in front of everybody but behind close doors he likes you
Well, I'm not 100% positive, but I'd say for certain he's a least flirting with you. He probably likes you but is too shy to do anything about it. You'll have to make the move and see how he reacts... Good luck!! ^_^