Mechanical joints or push-on joints are commonly utilized with ductile iron pipe. Mechanical joints involve a gland and a rubber gasket for connecting pipes. These joints are fastened using bolts or other mechanical methods to ensure a secure and tight connection. On the contrary, push-on joints do not demand bolts or extra hardware. They only require the insertion of a rubber gasket into the socket of the pipe, resulting in a sealed connection. Both types of joints are extensively employed with ductile iron pipe, providing dependable and leak-proof connections for diverse applications.
Ductile iron pipe typically uses mechanical joints or push-on joints. Mechanical joints consist of a gland and a rubber gasket that are used to connect two pipes together. These joints are secured by bolts or other mechanical means to ensure a tight and secure connection. Push-on joints, on the other hand, do not require any bolts or additional hardware. They simply involve the insertion of a rubber gasket into the socket of the pipe, which creates a sealed connection. Both types of joints are widely used with ductile iron pipe and offer reliable and leak-free connections for various applications.
The most commonly used joints with ductile iron pipe are push-on joints and restrained joints.