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Which brand of solid wood floor?

Decoration of the new house, I do not know what kind of brand of solid wood floor is good, after all, now sell too much wood floors. Please tell me which brand knowledgeable wood floor? What kind of wood is good? Thank you in advance


Check the floor level, if there is a bug, cracking, decay, blue and death section of wood defects; 5 paint quality. Selection should be on the surface of the paint surface of the paint model is uniform, plump, bright and clean without leakage paint, bubbling, perforation.
Machining precision. 10 floors can be assembled on the ground, touch, see its processing quality and precision, the quality of the 4 selected substrate
Select the main points: 1 size. Wood floors should not be long short, narrow should not be wide; 2 selected moisture content. Weigh the size of a wooden floor with a hand, and then weigh the same kind of wooden floor to see if the weight of the same

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