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Did a law just get passed on home gardens?

I was informed today that a law was just passed that people cannot have there own gardens and raise they're own food, is this true? if so could you please post a link or something so i can have more info?


If there is such a law, it would be a local one. We don't even know what country you live in, so we can't possibly tell you.
not true
They are referring to Senate Bill 510. It would give the government greater power to regulate the food industry. Hopefully this would eliminate problems with salmonella in peanut butter. The vote is supposed to be this evening. Because people who advocate for local food as opposed to corporate food are concerned that it might put small farms out of business, an agreement has been reached that the Tester amendment will be included in the bill. The amendment will then have to be included in the House bill, which passed in July. The Tester amendment will exempt farms that sell directly to consumers, retail stores, and restaurants within their state or within 275 miles (whichever is smaller) and make less than $500,000 a year from regulation. Sustainable food advocates support this amendment. It was supposed to be voted on this evening, but I still can't find that this has yet occurred. From my point of view it is essential that the Tester amendment be included. (Jon Tester is a Senator from Montana who is sponsoring the amendment.) The bill without the Tester amendment would not make it illegal to grow your own food, but it would subject you to many regulations if you wanted to sell it at a farmer's market, perhaps making it impossible for you to do so.

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