Alright, so my friend was casually reading the bible in my living room next to me when she came upon a passage in the bible saying that if you believe in god with all your heart then poisons will not hurt you, so we had a laugh but she went in my bathroom and before I knew it she had drank some lysol! I rush her to the hospital, she went into like a coma or something but shes OKAY now.But when she woke up she said that there is no jesus at all! That its really the FSM and He is the reason why she is alrght now. She was still a little loopy from att the counter drugs they gave her, but who isn't when they claim they saw something supernatural?Does this mean that the FSM is better then the God of the Bible?Does this mean the FSM preformed a miracle?How should I thank the true FSM for what he did to help me and my friend?
I wish to have some rum please ? =D
i say the spaghetti and god duke it out for rule over the world, just watch out for shiva's sneak attack
Yes, they moved happy hour to 4pm.
All right now is that C-Murder is down for his n*ggas.
Nice story but I don't believe you.