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Directv and MediaCom package. Have you heard of this?

This guy came to our door and said he was with mediacom or directv (cant remember which). He said there was a deal with mediacom and directv. The deal was you get internet and phone with mediacom and cable with directv. The price was pretty cheap, so we took it. After they got everything hooked up it was great. Then our phone wouldn't work. we called mediacom and they fixed the problem. They asked us if we wanted to get them through cable as well. We told them that we have a deal with directv and mediacom for all three Cable, Internet, and Phone. They said there was no such thing. We called directv and they said the same thing. Now we are getting bills from both of them for up to 113 dollars a month when it was supposed to be only 79.99 a month. Now we are started to get worried because he took are social security number. We tried to call that guy personally and his phone said no longer taking calls. The question is have you heard of a deal like this. If so did you get scammed too.


Sure go ahead and park there. I'm sure it won't block a fire hose. But, don't cry when the fire truck runs over the motorcycle because it was blocking the fire hydrant. Why do you think they made that a no parking/fire zone in the first place? Have a great day!
You can do nothing. You can be fired for the dumbest reason, even no reason. Frankly, not acknowledging him is a pretty good reason, as in doing the job differently than he asked you. As to your charge of drug use: if you think the police can arrest someone or drug test them because a disgruntled employee makes an unsubstantiated claim, you're 100% wrong.
No. And the police aren't going to drug test anyone based on your call.
You can, in fact, do something. Yes, if you have the right to quit for no reason they have the right to fire you for no reason. However, you (any anyone else) have the right to report any violations you observed while working there. You can call the health department and suggest they investigate the hygiene in the dishwashing area, and have them ask about on-the-job smoking and drug use by management and other employees. You can also call the police and file a report of an attempt to get you to smoke week (contributing the delinquency of a minor - if you're under 18), and evidence of possession of MJ with intent to distribute, both of which are crimes that the police take seriously. If they say, you're just a disgruntled employee who was fired, you can simply turn the story over to the local TV news station to report as police refuse to enforce laws against local dirbag, and see how it goes. Be sure to file for unemployment, given that you were not fired for cause, but rather on a whim. You also need to make sure you were properly paid for the overtime hours you worked, and report the employer to the state agency regulating industries if they do not pay you overtime.
No.. If you're in an at will work state, your employer can fire you for any reason or no reason as long as your rights aren't violated.

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