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Dirty floor and diseases?

Ok so my stupid friend which i really like and are best friends was trying cocaine and some dropped on the dirty floor and there was like cigarette ash and everything and it was a granite tile floor type and he chose to sniff it off of there can he get diseases like aids/hiv from there? im scared for him but hes just crazy and stupid,


no just a bad infection
I think you only get HIV/AIDS from blood.
Floors hold on to more germs than almost any other surface. In hospitals, city buildings and elsewhere. Hospitals have nosocomial infections, and most public buildings have staph!
If this is for real, then absolutely yes, you have a disease.It's called Obsessive Comulsive Disorder, or OCD. There is a genetic component, but it is treatable--usually with anti-anxiety meds, sometimes with the newer antidepressants,in combination with therapy/councelling--particularly coginitive behavioural therapy.I think some good results *can* be had with therapy alone , too. I don't know where you are, but a good GP will immediately recognise what you are talking about. Also a TONNE of info on the net. Go--go now, and channel some of that drive into finding some help for it. That is not any way to live! Bless, and good luck:)
The dirty floor won't cause as much damage as the cocaine. However, there could be a higher incidence of bacteria and virus germs on the floor. E. coli O157:H7, Shigella, Listeria, Salmonella, etc. These bugs have incubaton times from a few hours (E. coli) to weeks (hepatitis). Cigarette ashes should not be a concern.

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