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Do ceramic coated headers insulate better than non coated?

Do ceramic coated headers insulate better than non coated?


The ceramic coating is strictly to reduce corrosionIt does not materially affect under-hood temperature.
the vinyl latice will not save you at all.
hmmm, lets see, when a cane is blowing it's dark outside and usually inside since the power is outI think when you hear a cane is coming your way, get the hell out of thereMaybe you should just move someplace they don't have them other than that, heavy wire protective screens might be your best betpainted a light color, they don't look too bad, and can be left up all the timethey also add security from break ins.
I've lived in Florida since 1969I've been through every major storm here since moving here and have seen palm trees impaled by 2x4's, as well as Cars tossed like tissues, and 30 ftYachts carried miles inlandCertainly the lattice will help, as would plywood, sealing every window that exists etc I've also seen first hand TEST demonstrations of damage done by 100 plus mile an hour winds, and lattice would give as easily as window film Given your paranoia and fear, and without saying you should leave Florida, and knowing the type of windows you have whay not install indoor shuttersIt seems to me that aesthetics should be the least of your concerns I promise you at $4K or not, Lexan will never honor a warantee for a 150 mph impact of the Billboard across the street being ripped apart I'm not trying to act the AAnyone who doesn't fear Hurricanes is a foolAlthough anyone who remains home bound during a cat5 is likely the fool as well I worked rehab after Andrew, and every other bad one sinceI think the risks in staying to test the best product are wrongat 150 TO 200 mph a hole in a window the size of a softball, can create enough force to remove an entire roof.

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