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Do homes have gardens in the Philippines? What is the general theme? English, French, Bali, or what?

Do homes have gardens in the Philippines? What is the general theme? English, French, Bali, or what?


its a barbed wire and bar on window theme in most urban areas.
they plant vegetables instead,everything is expensive in the philippines and it is one way of saving money.
Yes we do have, even n he rural areas. Oriental and mediterranian theme.
We have a garden but there is no real theme. My wife is in charge so she plants lots and lots of ornamentals, including orchids on one part of the garden. She also has cattleyas. She leans towards the flowering plants. The ground is covered by carabao grass.
Most homes have ornamental plants. Some have landscaped gardens, others just a patch of ornamentals planted without any order. There's no general theme either. It all depends on the preferences of the home owners. Some have the Japanese Zen gardens, others are Balinese inspired, and still others try to achieve a forest look. Some like topiaries, there are those who grow plants they consider lucky, like Chinese bamboo. And then also, there are those who have greenhouses where they grow their favorite ornamentals. In the provinces,there is also what they call fad in plant choices. There are times when almost all homes are growing mostly orchids. Not so long ago, there was an almost maniacal interest with Euphorbias, plant owners just had to have all the possible colors of flowers available. I was not exempted from that costly fad. Just like other fads though, it passed, and now, with a few exeptions, the Euphorbias are either left to fend for themselves, or are now relegated on some back portions of the garden.

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