Ok, so I was fired from Wal-Mart about a month ago, and I think that I have a defamation of character suit, and definitely a wrongful termination suit. Here's what happened. I got fired for stealing from the customer service desk, but the thing is, they don't know when the money went missing, and have fired me when there were others on the register. They even checked the cameras and explicitly told me that there was no video with me stealing, but that there was suspicion enough to merit a termination. Now, to my understanding, you can not fire someone for stealing without first basing that accusation in fact, and presenting evidence, right? Otherwise, it's wrongful termination, I think. Help!
Well if they did they would have got their *** kicked considering evolution had back up.the shield needs to realise they don't stand a chance against a great stable like evolution.
Whilst it is unusual for these kind of blanket service medals to be personally awarded by the President (unlike the higher raking medals) it isn't impossible for it to have been so. Even if the story isn't true, it is harmless and makes your husband happy.