ok I still have not seen them but everytime I wake up in the morning there is new bites but they are not moskitos bites, these bites will look like moskitos bites then they will turn really really pink or red then its like 5 to 8 bites next to eachother. that was on my arm. I have like 3 or 4 around my waist line. like my arm bites was 2 weeks ago and yesterday I got my waist and my brother also yesterday got 7 bites but they are not red and its like in a straight line. I don't find anything on the mattress and we live in NYC BK and moskitos??? hardly and im Hispanic I been to Dominican republic I know how moskitos bites look like and feels like and I know its not it. can it be bedbiugs??? and how can I find out for sureeeeeeeeeee its bed bug like boom it is or its not I cant no little sacks or black dust looking thing so please HELP!
Go to your bedroom late at night with flashlight,and look for them. Keep lights off
yuck it does sound like you have bed bugs
Yes, it sounds like bed bugs. They are difficult to get rid of, if you live in an apartment, because the bed bugs can come in from the other apartments. Anyway, I would suggest wrapping your mattress with a cover. If you want you can buy a bed frame that has thin feet and where you can put these cup things that prevent bed bugs from climbing up the bed. You can also try cleaning your room with steam, because the bed bugs are sensitive to heat. They've recently discovered that bed bugs are weak to bean leaves, because the bean leaves have tiny hairs that stops bed bugs, so I think scientists are trying to create a synthetic version of this.
Wash all of your blankets and stuff in hot water. I'll get them too then I'll wash my blankets and I won't anymore. Wash your blankets about ever 2 weeks or week and a half.
Unfortunately it's bed bugs. If anyone in your apartment building has them, they travel. You know bed bugs because their bites are close together and a pinkish red and in a line. Please toss your mattress/bedding. Put bed bug powder all around your base boards. Remember to also buy your mattress from a reputable dealer. Toss your pillows EVERYTHING soft. You hardly ever SEE bed bugs, but they leave behind their waste little tiny black/brown specs. So sorry to tell you the bad new, but you must toss those items. The fact that someone in another room has them, means the bed bugs have already spread. Also wash any and every pile of clothes.