I recently had a knee injury and knee surgery where they did a procedure on my patellar tendon and then they had to remove most of the cartilage behind the knee capI was told no more squatting, kneeling, or using stairsI was going to the gym on a regular basis before surgery and doing most of the weight machines for the legsWill using the leg press put pressure on my knees?What other exercises do you recommend for the quads? I have been doing leg lifts and bridges.Thank You.
Crates are for transport only and for a dog that must be kept quiet after a surgical procedure and/or convalescing only when you can't supervise.
When our coonhound pup was younger I had to cover the crate or any movement of any kind-from the cats, our other dog, seeing moths flutter around the porch light through the window, etc-would get him whining and barking and riled upNow that he's older he doesn't need it covered, bedtime is bedtime and he only wakes us up if he has to peeI would cover the sides and back, and leave the door uncovered so air could circulate, but he couldn't see a lot and would sleep.
Covering 3 sides of a crate and the top, so it resembles a den creates a comforting and secure feeling for the dog, even at nightDo NOT cover all the crateLeave the front open to the air.
In puppies we cover just the front door halfway down to make the kennel darker and make the puppy feel more secureIf the kennel s in a room by itself with very low light like a night light then we usually don't cover it at allI use the plastic kennels with the sides solid except the ventsIf for some reason the pups in a wire crate t hen we cover the top and 1/2 down on all 4 sides to make t he pup feel safe and secure like a den - if the rooms busy then we cover the top and 2 1/2 sides leaving he front 3/en and same for a side or back so the pup doesn't overheatPuppies feel safer and more secure just like when they were in the helping box with mom and the litter, keeping it darker gives less stimulation from the goings on so the pup settles quickerIf you have a home that's not as hectic or the pup settles down without crying and digging trying to get out then you have the option of not covering the kennelCovering it on all 4 sides makes the pup too hot and it can get overheated.
Every leg exercise involving extension of the lower leg will put pressure on the patellaIf you are to do resistance training for your legs then your best bet is to warm up thoroughly and take it easy when you do itI personally find that the leg extension machine doesn't hurt my knees very much but this is fairly unusualYou may want to try it cautiouslyIf it doesn't give you trouble, it could be a good warm up for your knees as well as a quad exercise in itselfI don't usually recommend leg press because it's generally hard to do without causing joint painTry isolating your leg muscles with the machines as a warm up and then doing light weight for your compound lifts afterwardIf it hurts at any point, it's probably not going to work in the long run.