And if so, what happens? When a dielectric breaks down you get sparks. What happens when a magnetic material breaks down?
I really doubt you bent your axle, you probably bent either the tie-rod or the lower control arm. Take it to a shop that does alignments and they came tell you what you bent.
Do you mean subjecting a magnet to high power and seeing if the magnet will crumble into bits and pieces? Most likely, only if the power is great enough, since ceramic magnets are good insulators, therefore, it would take alot of power. other rare earth magnets? you got me most magnets have what is called: Intrinsic Coercive Force or Hci This is measured in gauss and if the magnet under study is overcome by the rating of it's Hci, it will weaken and perhaps reverse it's polarity. In a way it's flux is breaking down.
I seriously doubt your axle will be bent. Sounds like maybe a bent or broke control arm or tie rod or somethin like that. It really depends what kind of car u have and what kind of suspension it has under it