is it difficult to switch gears on motorcylce.i suck at manual cars.swithcing gears i use automatic/standard
Unfortunately, if you suck at manual cars, you will probably suck at manual motorcycles. I know that is true with my wife. She just can't get the idea of shifting gears and knowing which one to be in at what speeds. Unless you are willing practice a lot, stick with automatic scooters.
Changing gears on a motorcycle is easy. The left foot controls the shifter. Pull up with your foot to shift up. Push down to shift down. The left hand controls the clutch. If you really are bad at manuals then you should buy a motorcycle with an automatic. Currently only honda and aprilla make a model with an automatic. However, all scooters are automatic and they come in all sizes. If you want to do long distance riding, suzuki makes a nice one.
Vast majority of motorcycles have manual transmission. If you suck at operating a manual transmission car, you should not consider operating a motorcycle. On a motorcycle left foot controls gear selection. Right foot operates the rear brake. Left hand pulls the clutch lever. Right hand does double duty. Operates the throttle AND the front brake. Plus there is steering and balance to consider. Manual transmission cars are so much easier to drive than a motorcycle.