I figure construction sites need machinists
A machinist is a person who operates a machine that mills, grinds, and otherwise alters metal, not a mechanic. I'm not sure about the Navy but, the Marines' equipment drivers are trained to do the daily and minor maintenance on the equipment they drive. For instance, an LAV or tank driver will do his own routine maintenance. If it requires major maintenance it is taken to a maintenance depot where mechanics trained on different areas do the repairs.
I was an MR assigned to NMCB 27. So yes, you would see an MR as a Seabee!
MRs are shipboard ratings, not Seabees. The Seabees have their own guys (SWs, I'd imagine) who do the same stuff that MRs can do. So, no, you'd never see an MR with the Seabees.
If you want to work with SeaBees, be a SeaBee. Otherwise you go where the Navy needs you (and ships need a WHOLE lot more machine work than a SeaBee unit....) www lic.navy.mil/bupers-npc/en... Here, do you see anything about working with SeaBee units in this job description?
Late to the answer, I was stationed with seabees for a while and while it's rare it's does happen. I wound up being the only machinist for a battalion, and S' Dubs don't do machining work. Best years of my life though