If i understand the concept of time right we move in time in a steady pace 1:1 but we are not able to change the speed with which we travel in time, nor the direction. Is this right? Or do we actually not travel in time but stand still while the time is flowing past us?
One of the main causes of excess gas is cause by an imbalance between the bacteria and yeast in your gut. Yeast helps you digest food by fermentation which produces the gas. Go to the health food shop and get Acidophilus. These capsules contain the bacteria you may be lacking and will reset the balance.If that doesn't help then you should go to your GP. Your nervousness is causing your stomach to produce the gas if it is down to excess acid you could end up with an ulcer. And believe me you do not want the pain of and ulcer. BTW I wouldn't laugh it's too serious a problem for some people to be funny
when i know iam gonna fart i start to cough or fake sneeze lol
well it seems like even though you had a total word vomit he is still trying to get you to like him, and it sounds like you like him so I'd say you are more then 'just friends' open yourself up more and if you like him then eventually he'll ask you out again!
One of the more common reasons for detectors going off for no reason is insects. Ants, Spiders, Fruit Flies anything small. I also suspect pet hairs, but have yet to confirm that. And eventually they breakdown and false due to old age. You are right about batteries. When they get low the detector should chirp once every couple of minutes. My dear Mother was absolutely sure a small bird had gotten into the back part of her house. I replaced the batteries and acted like I had scared the bird out a window. It was way easier than trying to explain the battery thing to her.