Home > categories > Rubber & Plastics > Plastic Sheets > Do you actually know anyone who was scared into stockpiling plastic sheeting and duct tape?

Do you actually know anyone who was scared into stockpiling plastic sheeting and duct tape?

Do you actually know anyone who was scared into stockpiling plastic sheeting and duct tape?


No but duct tape is great!
Right after Katrina and Rita went through the Houston area, alot of people stockpiled everything, water and sheeting and tape and batteries and canned food. Crazy heh
LOL No, but I could probably get someone to do that now.
No, only the most asinine person would even consider duct tape and plastic sheeting as protection in an attack. As the comedian Lewis Black said, The only way duct tape and plastic will help you in a terrorist attack is if you can wrap yourself in it and kill yourself before the chemicals do

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