I am looking for a metal or ceramic that can withstand temperatures of around 1600 degrees Celsius, but can also conduct heat relatively wellIdeally it would be available in a tube or pipe formDoes such a ceramic exist?
I eat edamame, cucumbers with the skin and also lots of nuts and seeds for fiber.
vegetables and whole grains.
Split pea soup is one of the highest fiber foods you can eat.
wikipedia: The silica firebricks that line steel-making furnaces are used at temperatures up to 1650°C (3000°F), which would melt many other types of ceramic, and in fact part of the silica firebrick liquefiesHRSI, a material with the same composition, is used to make the insulating tiles of the space shuttleBut they have low thermal conductivity, as most ceramics do for metals, there are a lot that melt at high temperatures, but they are not cheapPlatinum melts at 1772?C , for exampleTitanium melts at 1668?C (a second reference says 1725?C) so it may be the best choice.