Does a nintendo wi-fi usb connector work with the xbox360?
it fairly relies upon on what you opt on. in case you opt on more desirable effective high quality (which i cant tell the version), blue ray, and pay a butt load more desirable get a PS3. The wii is a good console for some video games and the internet, thats about it for that one. in case you opt on the most bang on your dollar get a 360. I have all 3 consoles and in my view out of them all i love the the 360 the most. It has for further and extra ideal video games then both of both. fairly i cant tell the version visually between the PS3 and 360 yet human beings say the PS3 is more desirable effective. The PS3 i imagine is stuffed with alot of complicated crap. The wii isnt undesirable only not alot. bypass for the 360.