Does a rug doctor perform well on your carpet?
yes, it's one of the better ones around. can usually rent unit at local drug store/grocery store
I don't know yet i want to rent one too
when u first use it will appear to work but stains surface very quick. for the price you should try calling around locally and get a quote from a professional carpet cleaner.
Yes, the rug doctor works great! Some think stains reappear quickly but some stains may need extra elbow greace depending on what it is and how long it's been left on the carpet. Some think the carpet gets dirty again quicker, but that's because your not used to seeing clean carpet - it's been so long since they were clean. Bottom line, the rug doctor works great, and some stains just can't be removed. If you have stains get the rug doctor pre treat solutions for your need and follow the directions. You'll be glad you saved the money by doing it this way.