I am trying to build my own battery pack to fit my needs for me and my robot. And I was wondering if their are any good tutorials, books or websites out their on this topic. Thank you.
It depends on the required voltage and power needs. Different batteries have different voltages (difference of potential between the + and - terminals) and Amp-hour (total potential hours of operation at one Amp of current) ratings. If you need a power source that isn't currently available for sale, try stringing together many of the same type of battery (same voltage and Amp-hour rating), connected in series. If this is a store-bought robot, I have to assume it came with a battery pack, probably a series of rechargeable AAs in a heat-shrunk package. If you made the robot yourself, you need to know the required voltages for each of its subcomponents and may have to have multiple power supplies. Or just find the nearest Radio Shack.