I have read several different idea in which none worked. Your hekp would be appreciated.
I put down sand, and used a 2x4 to smooth, then placed a level on the 2x4 and working the 2x4 360 deg leveled by shifting the sand. Works.
The guy who said to dig out the higher ground was right, but there is an easier way. Get some railroad or 6x6 landscaping timbers ties put them on the ground and level them. (you'll have to raise the low side or dig out the high side)Then fill in the area created with either sand, crushed stone, a combination of both or like a neighbor of mine did, shredded rubber from old tires. The rubber is great if you have kids, because if they fall on it they won't get hurt.
Sand is the thing. get a load delivered. It's easy to move and level with a rake or shovel.
Dig it level as possible then you need a load of san--then spread it and take a long 2x4 and drag it across the sand non stop.--a 2 person job. You installing your own pool? A company does it all with what is called a snap line with hanging bubble levels. Looks like the cross hairs of a rifle scope. Good luck