I know that Dawn dish soap does but giving my cats a bath would probably end up with a trip to the ED for stitches:( I heard something once about lemon juice.
Use garlic in their food- I give it to all my animals and no fleas. the dogs are easier as I jsut give them a clove just like it was a pill. Cats a little more picky- you have to crush the clove and put it in something they like peanut butter works for mine. Also, try Gold Bond powder on the cats. Watch the flea collars- our cats are very alleergic to them You can also use cedar shavings for their bedding area.
actually an old timey remedy that really works very well is pennyroyale oil available at any herb store or scent store. pennyroyale is a mint and fleas just hate it and will not even jump on the animal if it senses pennyroyale. you can also plant it in the spring around your yard and it will dramatically cut down the amount of fleas in your yard. also you can make a string collar for your pets and soak it in pennyroyal and let it dry then put it on the pet and it will work like time released. when other remedies have failed pennyroyale has ALWAYS worked.
Purchase some Seven Dust from your local home and garden shop. You can dust your cat with it as well as your carpets. Sprinkle it around as you would Carpet Fresh, leave on over night then vacuum it up. Since it is made of dried Chrysanthemum flowers, it won't harm your cat!
Bathe kitty in Lemon Joy. It is flea Kryptonite. Kills them or knocks them out, doesn't hurt your fuzzy friend. Ooops, I should have read your details first! Sorry, good luck!)