Home > categories > Security & Protection > Fire Alarm > Does California law require me to mount the home smoke detectors I'm installing with screws or is adhesive ok?

Does California law require me to mount the home smoke detectors I'm installing with screws or is adhesive ok?

I'm in escrow re the sale of my house and just need to comply with the law.


Fires are emergency situations. The authorities need to be contacted, immediately. Actually, pulling the fire alarm is fairly intense. It would not be an ideal time to have a teaching moment. You could answer the questions of your friend, AFTER you pulled the alarms.
well what I did with my first baby was I put a plastic bag under my sheets this way it would not ruin my matress. second i used a towel when i sat in the car. The pains come when ever they feel like starting. Your water does not always break so the doctors do this for you. you do not always see your plug release either. i have three kids and never did i see it. with my first i was induced and my second my water broke then i got contractions right away but with my third i had contractions for almost two weeks before my water broke then i did not go into full labor until they induced me hours later. their is no reall timeing and sequences of evidents. they dont all happen neither.

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