I know LCD monitor is cheaper then plasma but more LCD have 1080p, right? Which is better? Why there is a price difference? I know LCD is liquad, and?
Generally, LCD is not cheaper. You'd be hard pressed to find a 50 LCD for the $1300 that you can often buy a Panasonic PDP for. Don't waste your money on 1080p, it's far less important than contrast ratio, color gamut and response rate, all favor PDP. LCD's make great computer monitors, but lousy TV's. If you really want an LCD, then at lest get a 120Hz unit, it will reduce the response rate motion blur inherent to LCD's. Read the November Consumer Reports for a balanced and accurate review of LCD and PDP TV's. Astrobuf
Plasma has better response time so will show movement better than an LSD TV; important when watching action particularly sports. A good LCD has a 5 Milli Second response time where as a good plasma 0.2 MS. LCD screens are generally much brighter and better suited for rooms the receive a lot of light. Plasma's are better in darker rooms; easier on the eyes. Generally plasmas are 42 inches or larger. LCDs are manufacured by more companies. LCDs sometimes are manufactured with pixles that are burned out causing a dot on the screen. Plasmas have problems from screen burn. I decided after much research to forget about buying a set for another year; I was holding out for 42 - 48 inch 1080 p plasma. A couple of weeks ago Tiger Direct had a 42 inch LCD 720 p set on sale for $699 and I couldn't resist. I am extremely happy because I am getting a great picture, I have all the bells and whistles (PIP, split screen, TV tuner, multi connectors including computer) and I paid a lot less than anything I have seen before or after. My advice: Get a good inexpensive 720 p that you you like (plasma or LCD) make sure it has an antenna (broadcast hi def is better than hi def on cable or satelitte), and enjoy. 1080 p is more expensive and really only gives a better picture with a Blue Ray DVD (also relatively expensive). By the time prices fall for Blue Ray machines and discs and more channels are broadcasting in hi def the price of TVs will fall dramatically. Move the set you buy now into another room and get yourself a bigger set
My BF works for Best Buy and while Plasma does give an awesome image, it has some major drawbacks. First, Plasmas have more image burning problems and is in itself an expensive thing. Also, the screen is shiney which cause glare. And the biggest thing is that Plasma is going out of style. Most companies are thinking of not making them anymore and switching to LCD only. It;s cheaper to make and more people can afford. The screen can a plastic matte looking sort of thing which cause little to no glare. Also, image burning is NOT a problem.
Wow, there is a lot of misinformation here on this thread. You asked for better image quality. While there are a lot of criteria points, this best image quality generally means, Which set produces the deepest, most accurate blacks? The answer to that question it is plasma TV's. In particular the Panasonic's and even better, the Pioneer's. There are only two LCD TV's that even come close to producing deep, accurate blacks like the plasmas. These TVs are the Sony XBR 4/5 series and the Samsung 8100 series. It is true, plasmas are being phased out. LCD's will reign for the next couple of years. But lasers, yes lasers are on the way. But to answer your main question. Plasmas still produce better image quality