I had a game running for like 3 days on pause and i can see the outlines of the game on my screen. will this go away in time or do i need a fix or do i need a new monitor.Also dead pixels are they fixable?
dead pixels are dead transistors so you would need to replace the screen if you get more than the odd one.
LCD's are not supposed to be susceptible to this problem, but it does happen. Technically they call this Image Persistance for the LCD's. Below are a couple of websites that talk about this problem and the possible solutions. In some cases the image may become permanent. What you can try is to setting an all white picture on the display (with lowered intensity so backlight isn't driven too hard) for awhile, turning off the monitor when not in use, activate a full screen screensaver that will cycle the whole screen with different graphics. These will help destabilize the pixels that have the image memory and possibly get them back to as near normal as possible. Something to try at least. As for the dead pixels, no, they are not fixable. Once gone, they're gone. If you still have a warranty for the monitor and enough pixels are dead, the manufacturer will replace it (but, you'll need quite a few dead ones). The warranty may also cover the Image Persistence problem. Best of luck.
you may desire to might desire to do some thing so directly forward as exchange the image width of your 32 exhibit exhibit. There might desire to be settings that practice you the right thank you to swap the viewable element of the exhibit exhibit and make it wider. additionally, 1024X768 is the comparable element ratio (4:3) as 800X600, so it is going to offer greater desirable advantageous determination without sacrificing viewable exhibit exhibit area.