My daughter need to clean the oven but she doesn't want to wear rubber gloves.
Follow the paper feeds from the beginning to the end of the feed, check all the rubber roller, and make sure there is no rip paper that is stock around the roller, check all the gears along the side of the roller, make sure there is nothing sticking on in, if every thing is clear from the roller, then check the sensorm moslt likely it's an arm switch sensor, make sure it is on the right position, or not being pushed up. Unplug and re plug everything and that will solve your problem. I have a Canon Printer too with a Good toner. I had no problems with it. The cartridge you use should be of good quality.
You guys are clueless lazy owners. Am sure your mom can do better then a bowl really. Btw why did she leave that mirror in there knowing it wasn't made for water clueless. Betta's need a 5 gallon tank with a filter and heater not a bowl clueless. You never do 100% water change or remove a fish from it's home that can stress them it can even kill them. If you guys can spend more then a few dollars a day ya can do the same for your fish if not then don't get pets. Not being mean it's the fact OWNED. Get aquarium salt that should help him from that hell. Good luck.