The drawer labels of the 99 Steel File Cabinet do not have a warranty dedicated to them. Typically, the manufacturer's warranty covers any material and workmanship defects, guaranteeing a fault-free product. However, drawer labels are regarded as an individual component or accessory of the file cabinet, and their warranty coverage may differ. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer or retailer for precise information regarding the warranty on drawer labels for the 99 Steel File Cabinet.
The 99 Steel File Cabinet does not have a warranty specifically on the drawer labels. The warranty provided by the manufacturer usually covers defects in materials and workmanship, ensuring that the product is free from any manufacturing faults. However, drawer labels are considered a separate component or accessory of the file cabinet, and their warranty coverage may vary. It is recommended to check with the manufacturer or retailer for specific details regarding the warranty on drawer labels for the 99 Steel File Cabinet.
The 99 Steel File Cabinet does not come with a warranty specifically for the drawer labels.